New VMware 2V0-32.22 Test Tips | New 2V0-32.22 Test Sample

New VMware 2V0-32.22 Test Tips | New 2V0-32.22 Test Sample

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Using our 2V0-32.22 practice engine may be the most important step for you to improve your strength. You know, like the butterfly effect, one of your choices may affect your life. And our 2V0-32.22 exam questions are definitely the exact effect that will change your life. In fact, our 2V0-32.22 Study Materials have been tested and proved to make it. Many of our customers gave our feedbacks to say that our 2V0-32.22 training guide helped them lead a better life and brighter future.

VMware 2V0-32.22 Certification Exam consists of 70 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within 120 minutes. 2V0-32.22 exam is administered by Pearson VUE and is available in English, Japanese, and Chinese. Candidates who pass the exam will be awarded the VMware Certified Professional - Cloud Operations 8.x certification.

>> New VMware 2V0-32.22 Test Tips <<

New 2V0-32.22 Test Sample - 2V0-32.22 Discount

Users of UpdateDumps software can attempt multiple VMware Cloud Operations 8.x Professional (2V0-32.22) practice exams to assess and improve preparation for the examination. Customers can view their previous attempts' scores and see their mistakes. It helps test takers take the final VMware Cloud Operations 8.x Professional (2V0-32.22) exam without making mistakes. The web-based version of the 2V0-32.22 practice exam can be taken online. It means you can take this mock test via any browser like MS Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari.

VMware Cloud Operations 8.x Professional Sample Questions (Q37-Q42):

As per company policy, all administrator level accounts need to have their password changed on a regular basis. The [email protected] account password is changed by an administrator from the vSphere Client.
Another administrator is using the credentials in the VMware Cloud console and gets an 'access denied' error.
What could be the problem?

  • A. The password should be changed by escalation of privileges.
  • B. The password change email confirmation has NOT been approved by the organization owner.
  • C. The new password is NOT synchronized with the password that is displayed for the Default vCenter user account.
  • D. The password should only be changed through the VMware Cloud console.

Answer: C

The problem could be that the new password is not synchronized with the password that is displayed for the Default vCenter user account. The administrator must make sure that the same password is used in both the vSphere Client and the VMware Cloud console in order for the user to access the account.
Changing the password in one place does not automatically change it in the other, so this must be done manually.

What is a use case for vRealize Operations in a hybrid cloud infrastructure?

  • A. Holistic network visibility across overlay and physical networks with detailed information about Cisco switches and NSX-T
  • B. Central log collector for public clouds
  • C. Unified visibility across on-premises environments and public clouds
  • D. Infrastructure as a service automaton and governance

Answer: C

A key use case for vRealize Operations in a hybrid cloud infrastructure is providing unified visibility across on-premises environments and public clouds . It can monitor and manage both on-premises vSphere environments and public cloud platforms like AWS and Azure, offering a centralized view of performance, capacity, and health across the entire hybrid infrastructure

A cloud administrator wants to view and manage workloads across both an on-premises environment and a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC).
Which solution meets this requirement?

  • A. VMware HCX
  • B. Hybrid Linked Mode
  • C. Enhanced Linked Mode
  • D. vCenter Single Sign-On

Answer: A

VMware HCX is a cloud migration and workload mobility solution that allows you to view and manage workloads across both an on-premises environment and a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC). It provides a secure [1], cross-cloud network bridge between your on-premises environment and VMware Cloud on AWS, allowing you to move workloads between the two environments with minimal effort. It also provides a unified view of both environments, allowing administrators to monitor and manage workloads across clouds from a single pane of glass. [1]

An administrator has been tasked with implementing a solution to meet the following requirements:
* Provide monitoring and predictive analytics across enterprise database solutions
* Provide monitoring and predictive analytics across enterprise networking solutions
* Provide performance data for common enterprise application solutions
* Provide performance data for VMware Tanzu Application Service
* Present all collected data to administrators within a single portal
* Provide vendor support for the deployed solution
Which solution could help the administrator complete this task?

  • A. vRealize Operations and vRealize True Visibility Suite
  • B. vRealize Operations using a community created management pack
  • C. vRealize Operations using the Endpoint Operations Agent
  • D. vRealize Log Insight and vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager

Answer: A

To meet the specified requirements, combining vRealize Operations with the vRealize True Visibility Suite offers a comprehensive solution.
vRealize Operations provides robust monitoring, predictive analytics, and performance management across VMware environments. When integrated with the True Visibility Suite, it extends these capabilities to a wide range of third-party infrastructure and applications, including databases, networking solutions, and enterprise applications.
Key Features:
* Unified Monitoring: Consolidates performance data from various enterprise applications and infrastructure components into a single portal, enhancing operational visibility.
* Predictive Analytics: Utilizes advanced analytics to anticipate potential issues, enabling proactive management across diverse environments.
* Broad Integration: Supports a wide array of management packs for different technologies, ensuring comprehensive coverage of enterprise systems.
VMware Blogs
* VMware Tanzu Application Service Monitoring: Provides insights into VMware Tanzu environments, facilitating effective management of modern applications.
* Vendor Support: As VMware products, both vRealize Operations and the True Visibility Suite come with official vendor support, ensuring reliability and assistance when needed.
By deploying vRealize Operations in conjunction with the True Visibility Suite, administrators can achieve a holistic view of their IT infrastructure, encompassing both VMware and third-party solutions, all within a single, integrated platform.

Refer to the exhibit.

A cloud administrator is deploying a new VMware Cloud on AWS virtual private cloud (VPC). After clicking on deploy, the screen refreshes and displays the information that is provided in the exhibit.
What is the issue with the management CIDR that is causing the deployment to fall?

  • A. It overlaps with the AWS VPC CIDR.
  • B. It is part of the reserved CIDRs.
  • C. It overlaps with the AWS subnet.
  • D. It is an invalid size.

Answer: C

Explanation: vmware-cloud-on-aws-sddc.htmlThis must be a RFC1918 private address space (,, or with CIDR block sizes of /16, /20, or /23. The management CIDR block cannot be changed after the SDDC is deployed. Choose a range of IP addresses that does not overlap with the AWS subnet you are connecting to. If you plan to connect the SDDC to an on-premises DC or another environment, the IP subnet must be unique within your enterprise network infrastructure. Choose a CIDR that will give you future scalability.


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